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New Focus

For a multitude of reasons – some internal, some external – you have acquired a new focus. You now see the business and its prospects differently. Or you simply want to do things differently. You, therefore, need new investment to fuel your new plans. Some of the reasons for the changed perspective include: 


You have done this too long. The business, the industry, everything about it holds no challenges, surprises or fun anymore. You want to get out and do something completely different.


The possibilities are endless. You want to hire a new sales team. You want to modernise your marketing online or offline. You want to purchase new equipment. You want to hire new staff. You want to lease or otherwise acquire new property to expand the business. Basically, you have identified the next level and now need investment to help you get the business there.


The business itself is changing or has changed over the last few years. Other factors – a lot of which are outside your control – now determine the future success of the company. These include changing government regulations and new tax laws. Customer expectations and behaviours have changed. New competitors, as well as cheaper alternatives to your product or service, are flooding the market. These are all creating new opportunities while also putting new strains on your operations. New investments would give your business better attack and defensive capabilities.


You have completely new ideas for business – or new ideas for transforming your present business. You need cash to actualise these ideas.

Your Preferred Outcome – Provide New Investment

At SBBG Private Investors Ltd, we understand the itch to do something new … and we will help you scratch it. Once we have a clear understanding of what you want, we will provide the necessary new investment. We will provide this in form of cash, required contacts, strategic partnerships, specialised personnel, equipment or whatever else is required.

We love new ideas! Give us a shout out and let’s talk about yours!