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Safeguarding Your Legacy

It isn’t always all about the money. At this point in your life, some things are just as important, if not more so. These include:


A large number of your staff have been with you for years, decades even. They’ve been there with you in the good times and in the bad. You have literally watched them grow into adults, along the way starting families of their own. You have depended on them, and they have depended on you to provide for their families. Now, there is a real possibility they would be sacked immediately after the company sale. This fills you with dread. How can you retire to a laid-back lifestyle with cash in the bank knowing the upheaval you may be causing in their lives?


You may not admit it out loud but your name above the door, or on the building has always had your heart swell with pride. This is a visible symbol of what you’ve built and achieved over the years, decades even. It encapsulates your contribution to the lives of your customers and to the growth of the immediate community. Your brand name captures the stories and memories people tell and remember about your product or service over the years. It is the repository of your legacy. What will happen if the buyer removes that name from above the door, from the building? Would this not seemingly consign all your achievements and reputation to obscurity, out of sight and out of mind?


You have formed deep and complex relationships over the years with your B2B or B2C customers. You have always consistently provided your product or service. They depend on you as a critical part of their lives or production processes. A new buyer may close the business. They may turn it into a department of the parent company, essentially a 1-customer company. They may relocate it, thus sacking everyone. In any case, the effects on long-standing customers could be disastrous, short and long term.


Your business represents, in some cases, an abnormally high percentage of the sales and profits of some of your long-standing suppliers. You have worked with these people for years. You cherish the relationships and friendships you have built with the owners and staff of these companies. A lot of these people are people you meet every day: neighbours, club members, fellow Parent-Teacher association members, attendees of your local church or mosque. A new buyer who plans to change everything literally threatens all your relationships across multiple networks. It threatens your very lifestyle and peace of mind.

Your Preferred Outcome – A Safe Pair Of Hands

Again, I repeat: It isn’t always about the money. the team at SBBG Private Investors Ltd understand there are other motivating factors. Even more so, we understand these factors contributed to the present success of the business. These factors – let’s call them your WISH LIST – will be interwoven into the very operations of the company, post-sale. You will have peace of mind in your new lifestyle or new pursuits, knowing these very emotional issues are taken care of. That is A PROMISE.

What really matters to you? What are your biggest concerns about selling your company or bringing in new investment? Let’s arrange a sit-down with our favorite “beverages” and talk.